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A Soldier's Life

Created on:

25 December 2023

Minted on:

16 February 2024

Animation 1 of 5 From " Silent Screams of War " Series

In the calm of an early morning, a man enjoyed a simple breakfast, the laughter of his family amplifying his joy. The scent of home fills the air, a symbol of peace and love. Suddenly, an unexpected letter arrives, a call to war.

With a heavy heart, he bids his family goodbye, leaving the comfort of his home for the battlefield. Amidst the chaos of war, he faces the storm, with bullets whispering tales of fate. A sudden shock, a burning pain, and he falls. The battle takes him away

But his story didn’t end there. In the aftermath, he sheds his soldier’s armor, reborn as a symbol of a mother’s love. A reunion takes place, his mother holding him close, not as a fallen warrior, but as her child returned. The scene expands, revealing countless similar souls, each a silent protector, their sacrifice forever remembered.

Process :

3d animation was created which was used as input for controlnet for Stable diffusion Deforum. music was made using Splash Music Pro and lyrics were generated using ChatGPT

I wanted to show the struggle of a soldier, It’s not just about the physical battles they fight, but also the mental battles they face every day, even when they’re away from the battlefield. To understand more about my inspiration for this animation.

Feel free to listen here : I created a simple, rough 3D animation which served as an input for the Deforum Stable Diffusion. After experimenting with various settings, I found the ones that worked best for me.

For the music, I used an AI tool called Splash Music Pro. The lyrics were generated from my writing and chatgpt

Usually, I’m very strict with my art. I start with a clear vision of how I want it to look visually. But this time, I let myself be free. I allowed AI to add details and modify the visuals.

The results were surprising. It was the first time I felt that my art truly came alive. It was as if the AI had breathed a new spirit into my work, adding layers of depth and complexity that I hadn’t envisioned.

This changed me and how i make art by a lot, and I’m excited to explore this further in my new animations. It was the first time I felt that my art had a life of its own, beyond my initial vision. It was such a liberating experience.

Initially, I planned to depict just a mother and her son, similar to the Pieta.

But when the AI finished rendering, I was deeply moved. It showed not just them, but many other innocent lives lost or shattered by war.

We see a soldier sitting next to them, contemplating why the innocent have to suffer.

I also wanted to highlight the bond between a mother and her child. The moment he sees his mother, the soldier’s uniform disappears, and he’s just a child again, seeking a warm hug from his mom.

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